The CrossFit Fundamentals Introductory Course

What is CrossFit?

CrossFit differs from other forms of exercise and training, which focus on either a diet or exercise. CrossFit combines both to improve your overall lifestyle with safe, effective exercise and sound nutrition.

Learning the fundamentals

Our Fundamentals course is the perfect way to introduce yourself to the CrossFit methodology, core CrossFit movements and the intensity of the workouts. Our coaches will host you across five 60 minute sessions and then your sixth and final class will introduce you to the mainstream class.

The program takes place in a small group of three to six people to ensure we have the ability to work closely with you. This gives us time to get to know one another and learn as much as needed about your current physical fitness, goals and ambitions.

What you'll do and learn

CrossFit is fun
CrossFit programs are constantly varied so you'll never get bored. Enjoying exercise is the best way to keep you motivated, so you'll do new workouts each day with different movements, repetitions, times and equipment.

CrossFit focuses on functional movement

Functional movement refers to physical actions you perform as part of daily life. Picking up an item from the floor is a deadlift. Sitting in a chair is a squat. Putting an item on a shelf is a push press and so forth. With CrossFit, your exercise program improves the quality of your daily life and your overall physical independence.

CrossFit is intense

High intensity in workouts is the best way to get results. First, we teach you to move well, then we increase the intensity of those actions. Intenisty is relative to every person who does CrossFit. It's not just for athletes. Anyone of any fitness level can do CrossFit. You work hard within your own physical and psycological capacity to get fitter.


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